by Rhonda Perky
Rhonda Perky examines how everyday paternalism shifts accountability, and asks: ‘What makes us uncomfortable? Whose behaviour is really the problem? Where does the accountability lie?’
by Rhonda Perky
A response to Jim Dowd’s ‘The Shootings Are Not Senseless’.
by Rhonda Perky
Sex ‘addiction’ has become a label we slap on anyone we perceive as having a higher than ‘normal’ sex drive (whatever that is) or whose behaviour sits outside social norms (whatever those are). Is this just another form of slut-shaming?
by Rhonda Perky
Unless we make room for open and honest communication early on, we can only end up with a host of dissatisfied people, constantly seeking one thing, but finding another.
by Rhonda Perky
Is there such a thing as the ‘right’ number of partners?